Apr 16, 2020
Hi it is very helpful to me. Concept is properly explained. I enjoyed learning process. Expect some more courses on data science as well as on python which involves real time application.Thanks a lot.
Jul 22, 2017
This is neat little course to revise math fundamentals. I generally find learning probability a little tricky. This course helped me a lot in better understanding Bayes Theorem. Thank you professors.
By David S
•May 26, 2020
The probability section left many serious gaps in information compared to the test. I had to take the exam multiple times, and even after restarting half of the class twice. I'm not usually one to have to do this for a class.
By Hitesh D
•Jun 21, 2020
Video lectures were not very clear. It looked like these lectures are for revision and not for learning it first time. Baye's Theorem is yet not clear to me... I just mugged up some formulas which i will eventually forget.
By Sandeep M
•May 21, 2020
The weeks 1-3 although elementary were explained well but the change of professor on the last one really did nothing. There were far better tutors on youtube teaching the same things he did more clearly.
By Jayu C
•Sep 1, 2020
Concepts not covered well enough, just for the sake of teaching. Pure time waste. Bayesian Theory was not taught up to the mark, I had to refer external resources to understand it well.
By Gaurav A
•May 25, 2020
the video learning was good, but the quiz questions were at a very different difficulty levels. I would just like to say that this was supposed to be an beginner level course.
By E M
•Jul 27, 2017
This course is very short. I've completed it in about 4 hours. Nothing was told about linear algebra, statistics, optimization. It is not enough even to learn Data Science.
By Dan S
•Sep 2, 2021
A mixed bad. The younger professor is a much better and more engaged teacher. Week 4 in particular, taught by the older professor, comes across very low-effort and messy.
By Ashraf S
•Jan 17, 2019
This course dos not contain enough examples which needed to train and practice ,PDF is not clear enough and does not contain any problems to practice.
By Amanda G
•Mar 25, 2021
The second professor isn't great. I don't think it's his fault, but a lot of information was crammed into 2 weeks and I had to do a lot of self-teaching.
By Saleem G
•Apr 30, 2020
Week 1 and Week 2 material is very well presented. Week 3 was presented very poorly but reading the notes and youtube helped. Week 4 went over my head
By Maria K
•Nov 21, 2020
Materials provided are not sufficient to fully understand the concepts. One has to look for additional books and forums on the internet.
By Jomon K S
•May 11, 2020
The content of the course was simple. But the quiz were above average. The classes were not sufficient to answer the questions.
By Esaú C
•Apr 25, 2020
t's a good review for the people that know something but will be very hard for students that don't have a background in Maths
By Vaibhav J
•Feb 10, 2019
Found the title of the course mis-leading! School level Math skills are taught. Found the title to be similar to "click-baits"
By Bernadette O
•Aug 8, 2022
Overall this course did not spend enough time explaining probability, which is a huge portion in understanding data science.
By Hubert W A E
•Apr 12, 2021
It was too short, I think they must add additional mathematics course to make this program complete for Data Science needs
By Ahmed K A
•Jun 13, 2022
I did most of the learning on my own to solve the assignment. Sadly the professors didn't prepare the material well.
By Xose C
•Apr 6, 2020
You'd spend lots of time checking other sources as they do not explain things in detail. They assume many things.
By Peter G
•Mar 4, 2018
I enjoyed the first 2 weeks. Weeks 3 and 4 were harder to follow. Too few examples, particularly in week 4.
By Samuel G
•Sep 2, 2022
felt like I could learn all of this in khan academy or youtube, no real stand out in this course.
By Daniele S
•Aug 28, 2024
test with exercises not explained, wrong answer corrections, poor explaination of the topics
By Andersson F R A
•May 17, 2020
A pesar de que el curso es básico, la parte de probabilidad no está muy bien explicada.
By Nayaung L
•Jun 30, 2020
The last probability course is really horrible It should be changed or make it easier.
By vivek a
•Apr 12, 2020
The course name should be Bais Mathematics instead of Data Science Maths Skills.
•May 23, 2020
Concepts from Probability up to Bayes' Theorem could have been explained better