(243 Reviews)
(1056 Reviews)
Apr 23, 2018
This course was a good intro especially in setting all the necessary software for future courses. I suggest to read the manuals, books and other readings the profs suggest. The resources are helpful.
Jun 2, 2017
Nice Course. Basics are very well taught in this course.Thank you JHU and Coursera for this course. I have decided to donate 10% of my first salary to coursera once I am complete this and get intern.
By --
•Apr 15, 2016
Very light workload if you're technically competent. I would have liked to have had more to do with the math and such...
By Lerata M
•Dec 30, 2020
I found the introduction fruitful particularly to a person who knows nothing about Data Science, keep up the good work.
By Tanay J
•Apr 28, 2020
The course is very preliminary. I think more programming should be thought in this course. It's just very theoritical.
By Christopher F
•Jun 11, 2018
Content is great for an absolute beginner. For anyone on the intermediate end of the spectrum it will seem very basic.
By Jad A
•Nov 13, 2016
Quite basic - but good overview of general theory. Don't do this on its own, it's quite useless as a standalone module
By fares a
•Sep 8, 2017
its just an introduction to R please make it more explanation to R even if there course about it
and thanks very much
By Lucas P
•Apr 3, 2016
The course accomplished its goal. Nevertheless, since it is a paid course I expected to find more theoretical content
By Khoa N
•Oct 24, 2016
very helpful but i think it is too short, i need some more concepts to fully understand what these tools used for
By Morgan D
•Apr 18, 2016
Lots of very general review information, not much new stuff. Did force me to start getting familiar with gitHub.
By Aditya K R
•Mar 3, 2019
Super basic and boring stuff. Mostly talks about R Studio and GIT. Not of much help to those with IT experience.
By Ahmad A
•Oct 7, 2018
the voice is too low and the level of instructing are not for beginners, but with a lot of effort you could pass
By Rafael T
•Apr 7, 2019
Very introductive. I hoped more about this course. There are interesting stuff but I'd rather more work volume.
By Sérgio C C
•Jan 16, 2017
Github exposition is a little complicated. I believe it could be more detailed. But the rest is very well done!
By Deleted A
•Dec 29, 2016
Doing this course first doesn t make you anticipate how difficult could this speciality in the next courses :p
•Oct 13, 2016
There is practically nothing in this course to learn. It can be termed as a introduction to the specialization
By Andrey T
•Sep 6, 2016
The course is too easy to be called a course. Just an easy intro, which you can complete in a couple of days.
By Tamir L
•Jul 25, 2016
Very short, easy and introductory course. Gives a nice high altitude overview of the subject but little else.
By James M
•Feb 24, 2016
Not useful by itself, but grudgingly necessary to get you ready for subsequent courses in the specialization.
By Aneesh B
•May 26, 2020
It is good for those who are looking what is data science and how to install R and Github and how they work.
By Aritra D
•Jul 24, 2019
A little more depth on R and R studio and the rest and more data driven projects would have been appreciated
By Leyla C
•Feb 24, 2020
Easy introduction into R, maybe a bit too slow though. Course name is a bit misleading and not informative.
By Roman K
•Oct 10, 2017
The first 2 lectures (overview/introduction) are pretty good. The tools/practical material is very trivial.
By Bill S
•Apr 12, 2017
Mostly preparatory material and setup activities for the rest of the series. It's OK, but not a revelation.
By Shawn O
•May 28, 2016
Could be completed in a single day but spread across 4 weeks. I could understand a week but 4 seems silly.
By Shrestha P
•Jan 18, 2020
It was great to know new terms and tools used in data science. However, the course is mostly theoretical.