(243 Reviews)
(1056 Reviews)
Jun 2, 2017
Nice Course. Basics are very well taught in this course.Thank you JHU and Coursera for this course. I have decided to donate 10% of my first salary to coursera once I am complete this and get intern.
Mar 11, 2020
I would like to thank Coursera and Johns Hopkins University for the course, I learned new things in the course which I think is the next step which can help me to accomplish my future goals.Thank you.
By Jonathan H
•Jan 10, 2020
Material is awesome! Clear and simple, with great examples!
Questions at the end of the modules are confusing sometimes, could be improve!
By Syam V
•Nov 12, 2017
Good crash course on setting up all the toolbox necessary for a data scientist. The quiz could be more difficult than it is designed now.
By Arthur G
•Feb 13, 2016
In the course they use some tools' older versions and, for example, some Git commands shown on video are different in newer Git versions.
By Anand S
•Jan 29, 2016
Informative and helps people like me who are willing to learn from scartch. The course content though can do with a little more updation.
By Tanjim R
•Apr 16, 2020
This course is very good for introduction to Data Science toolbox . But there are some typing mistakes in the subtitles in some videos .
By Boris K
•Sep 13, 2019
Простейший базовый курс, не требующий никакой предварительной подготовки и минимум усилий. Указано 4 недели, по сути проходится за день.
By Chris W
•Apr 3, 2016
This was a very professionally done course. It is *very* introductory, which is either good or bad, depending on how you feel about it.
By Sichen L
•Jun 10, 2020
it introduces the basic tools that are frequently used in data science. However, it is rather baisc and the course did not go in depth.
By Saleem G
•Apr 17, 2020
I didn't like the computerized voice. The computer spoke a bit too fast and mispronounced some words. Certain sections went too fast.
By sachindra p
•Aug 25, 2019
Overall the course is very good. However, I feel that a little more on statistics foundation would have added more value to the course.
By Rubens R
•Apr 29, 2017
The content is very useful for beginners. Moreover, the material is very good, nevertheless the links target in PDFs cannot be reached.
By Dimitrios G
•Mar 2, 2017
While this course is introductory to a specialization, I believe there is more curriculum that should have been covered in this course.
By jaclyn
•Jun 11, 2020
Helpful set-up course. Not too meaty & definitely didn't take 4 weeks but smart to have everything set up before diggin into the rest.
By Samavedam P
•Jun 1, 2018
Good beginner's course to start learning advance topics like R programming, etc. Very useful tools such as Git-hub were taught simply.
By Arti
•Apr 16, 2018
Very basic stuff - if you've ever done any coding before & have even a rudimentary knowledge of Git/Github - you can skip this course.
By Ennio D L
•Nov 21, 2017
Una introducción interesante y valiosa para los interesados en incursionar y tener a la mano las herramientas básicas de Data Science.
By Manasvita J
•May 7, 2017
A broad overview of a vast subject. It gives its students a good platform to get started on learning the nitty-gritty of Data Science.
By Vijay P
•Apr 17, 2017
Gives an excellent overview to Data science course and what it take to become a Data scientist. Well organised videos and instructions
By Diana R
•Jun 14, 2021
AI voiceover isn't the best but I understand why it's used. On the heavier sections it would mispronouce commands and go too quickly.
By Enrique E
•Mar 11, 2021
When describing steps to follow in R studio, or to link to Github, the video is impossible to follow, and the wirtten form is better.
By Marc-Antoine G
•Apr 19, 2019
Pretty basic (from a software developer perspective) but can see the utility for newcomers to programming and informatics in general!
By Suwei W
•Oct 7, 2018
This is my first data science class. I learned something about the tools, hopefully I will find them useful in the following classes.
By Gregory R B
•Jun 19, 2016
Good, but would like a step by step walkthrough for MAC/Windows when setting up the final assignment to ensure everything is correct.
By Krishna T
•May 21, 2016
Good Introductory Class, all though I think some of the videos were too fast. Need to provide more explanation on some of the slides.
By Pedro M
•Nov 3, 2019
Nice overview of the conceptual ideas of Data Science and presentation of some practical tools needed to solve problems in the area.