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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Convolutional Neural Networks by DeepLearning.AI

42,413 ratings

About the Course

In the fourth course of the Deep Learning Specialization, you will understand how computer vision has evolved and become familiar with its exciting applications such as autonomous driving, face recognition, reading radiology images, and more. By the end, you will be able to build a convolutional neural network, including recent variations such as residual networks; apply convolutional networks to visual detection and recognition tasks; and use neural style transfer to generate art and apply these algorithms to a variety of image, video, and other 2D or 3D data. The Deep Learning Specialization is our foundational program that will help you understand the capabilities, challenges, and consequences of deep learning and prepare you to participate in the development of leading-edge AI technology. It provides a pathway for you to gain the knowledge and skills to apply machine learning to your work, level up your technical career, and take the definitive step in the world of AI....

Top reviews


Sep 19, 2020

Excellent, solid insights into working of models as well as providing references to the original work. THe assignments give practical examples of models one might want to implement for their own use.


Jul 11, 2020

I really enjoyed this course, it would be awesome to see al least one training example using GPU (maybe in Google Colab since not everyone owns one) so we could train the deepest networks from scratch

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201 - 225 of 5,624 Reviews for Convolutional Neural Networks



Nov 17, 2024

Great course... great detail. Lots of explanations and examples. Lots more complex yet... Andrew Ng explained all these concepts very neatly... Especially the convolutional operations and models were quite complex to visualize but with examples and visual representations I was able to understand this clearly... Feeling quite rejuvenated and confident with my NN/DL learning.

By Utkarsh M


May 19, 2020

This course was something different. Earlier when I started The Deep Learning Specialization, I was not interested in any particular application of Deep Learning, but this course gave developed interest in CNNs, so much so I'm seriously considering and planning to pursue my master's in Data Science. I wanna thank Andrew Ng for such great lectures, he has truly inspired me.

By Yash B


Jan 20, 2020

This course has given me everything that one can expect to learn from the field of Image processing models like CNNs, Deep Convolutional Models like Inception, VGG-16, VGG-19, ResNets, etc. Other topics were also learned that included me applying these concepts into real-world applications like the neural style transfer as well as the object detection and face recognition.

By Marsh


Dec 2, 2017

The teaching style of Dr Ng is excellent as usual. He is able to take a complex topic and make it easy to understand. I found this course more challenging than the others in this specialization. It does require a bit of tenacity in order to finish the assignments. This is usual when coding. So don't give up and be sure to search the discussion forum when you hit a barrier.

By Gabriele L


Sep 11, 2020

I am really appreciating this specialization. The only thing that I would change is maybe focusing less on the matricial operations required e.g. in the loss function computation, and more on how to use Keras/TF at a higher level; at the moment, it would still take me a lot of time figuring out how to build a nn from scratch, or use an existing one, with these frameworks.

By Tâm V


Nov 6, 2023

Mr. Andrew Ng is an inspirational leader in this field. He had his way of teaching concepts into easy-to-understand ones. Each week lessons and assignments were challenging, but with the videos, notes, and a supportive community here on Coursera, any student with a will to learn can achieve amazing results after this Convolutional Neural Networks course, just like I did.

By Erman N


Jan 12, 2021

This course is amazing. I strongly recommend everyone willing to build a career in machine learning to start here. I was really skeptical at the beginning. As a Ph.D. student in the computer vision field, I was looking for a course that can simply explain the science behind most AI courses. Now, I can say Andrew nail it, the course was far beyond my expectations. Thanks

By Esteban C


Oct 8, 2019

Very good in-depth coverage of conv NN.

Just one little thing, week 4 Notebook assignments:

In style transfer code is not well explained how the train is actually working. In this case the input is set as a Variable instead of a Placeholder and this aspect is not mentioned or explained

In face recognition I still don't know how triple loss function is used during training



Mar 2, 2019

This course was the best I have ever taken. It gave me a big boost to carry my PhD research in robot vision with confidence of understanding what is happening all over the network and comprehension of one of the pioneer papers published in discussed in classes. Coding directly after finishing each week was the best to go to practice and apply all this knowledge gained.

By Ayush K


Apr 28, 2020

Quite lucid and good introduction to CNN for beginners to intermediate level. I specially liked the links and discussions about different papers along the course that Andrew recommends to read. For some who has just hear about CNN, but knows about basic NN, this is a really good course to learn main things super fast and then proceed into their own personal topics.

By Kseniia P


Jun 30, 2019

Amazing course with clear explanations of how CNN works. Andrew gives you intuition and understanding of convolutions, pulling, padding, and explains the foundations in great detail, so you can understand state-of-art approaches and are ready to get hands on it. Thanks to the assignments' structure, you don't ever have to waste time on debugging irrelevant issues.

By Teye B


Apr 6, 2018

I love this course. I only wish there was an opportunity to go step by step from looking at images, creating the dataset from the images, creating labels, applying a model, and then testing. This would help to answer a few questions that I have. However, when I read the papers recommended, I assume many of those questions will be answered, such as : why max pool?

By Umendra C


Jan 10, 2018

Best course on deep learning for computer vision! Convolutional networks can be tricky to understand, but Andrew has presented the material in a very easy to understand format. He starts with simple ideas and concepts and then build on them in an intuitive manner. Highly recommended course for anyone who wants to understand the deep convolutional neural networks.

By Mehmet Ö


Sep 4, 2022

The course is designed such that you are having fun while learning. Notebook assignments are helpful for making sure that you are not just watching but properly digesting the information given, by pushing you to think about logic and math behind the algorithms. People with calculus and linear algebra background will have an easier time maximizing their outcomes.

By Michal M


Feb 10, 2018

Excellent course. Time well spent.

Simple explanations of difficult concepts.

I was able to download yolo v2 in pytorch, reconfigure it to use CPU on my Mac, and get it running on my webcam in 1h after completing Week3 assignment.

Told all my friends how awesome the course is.

Keep up the fantastic work.

Super stoked for part 5!!! and learning GANs and RI afterwards.

By Akshay M P


Sep 27, 2020

The best course on Convolutional neural network I ever had! This course packs in a lot of information delivered in a very effective way. A glimpse into the development of various CNNs gradually builds up into state-of the-art implementations of very deep CNNs. The coding exercises gives the right amount of exposure to the frameworks and tools used in the field.

By Peter D


Nov 26, 2017

Great course from Andrew Ng, as always. The videos are superb in explaining some of the more recent algorithms and trends. And they provide good intuition on how to use them in your own work.

The only (minor) remark is that the exercises might not be that challenging for those that already have done some ML programming in the past.

But overall still 5 stars!!!

By Yan


Apr 15, 2019

I was always curious about the "CNN" concept every time it emerged in the news. Thanks to Prof. Andrew's mild explanation, now I get a straight intuition into it!

The assignments were very amusing in this section. It was not hard to get a pass with the help of forums, but understanding every step is more important I think. So I will come back to practice more.



Jul 13, 2020

This is the best course for beginners as well as intermediates, to learn from basics and scratch up to the advanced of CNN. In this course, the fundamentals as well as all different CNN architecture and Face validation, recognition and neural style transfer has been covered and explained in very easy language.

Thank you Andrew Ng for such an amazing Course!!!

By Sherif M


Apr 19, 2019

Again a great course by Andrew Ng and his great team. Convolutional neural networks are the reason for the recent Deep Learning revolution or let's say better renaissance. Andrew does a great job in explaining the theory, math and application fields of CNNs while also telling about the history of recent advances in CNN algorithms and architectures.

Great job!

By Jaime M


Jun 15, 2019

As in previous courses, Andrew made understandable complex and abstract content. This course is by far more challenging than the 3 previous ones. Maybe not at the assignments as we make use of facilitating frameworks and helper functions, but to really follow what is happening behind... its another level compared to previous courses on the specialization.

By Ammar A


Oct 8, 2020

It's thoro and concise... the best part is the assignments are interesting and we learn quite a few things in the course which talk to newbie perception of DL... so things like Face Verification yep now is the right time not only to learn how to implement but also learn the quirks & features of CNN's... Course4 all those efforts are indeed paying off...

By Adrien S


Dec 28, 2017

Great overall course, keep teaching please ! I learnt a lot. I have a Ms degree in Machine Learning but we didnt had the time to really learn about Deep Learning. I feel it was a great introduction to the field and I feel confortable now to get more in details about everything and read papers etc.

So thanks for that, and I can't wait for part 5 about RNN

By P M K


Dec 8, 2017


This was a really good course to see mini projects getting executed. It gave quite a lot of practical insights working on the problems. The only issue was that week 4 assignments had some bugs in code comments due to which people spend quite a lot of time debugging causing unwanted waste of tine and frustration. Please correct the errors.

Regards, PMK

By yuji w


Nov 16, 2017

nice program to learn about convolutional neural works. I always fascinated about convolutional networks and this course gives me the very nice introduction and sort of in-depth knowledge and first hand programming knowledge in this area. The instruction and nice and start from easy and slowly get you into the deep knowledge. Great course and nice work.