Dec 19, 2020
Excellent course!!! It is actually a milestone for people like me who have trained models in Jupyter notebooks, but Tensorflow JS is actually a great way for the models to become 'alive'! Thanks!
Mar 17, 2021
This course is very practical and interesting. I enjoyed the excitement I got along the way. It was modeled to make you pass as long as you want to pass. Thank you Laurence and Andrew.
By Ming G
•Mar 9, 2020
Very good
By aravind
•Feb 2, 2020
By Prem S M
•Sep 13, 2021
By Muhammad K I
•May 12, 2024
By Justin H
•Jul 27, 2023
By kingjs
•Apr 7, 2022
By Muhammad N J R M
•May 22, 2021
By Levina A
•May 10, 2021
So cool
By Makafui A
•Jan 9, 2020
By Sabrina M U
•May 4, 2021
By mochammad g r
•Apr 21, 2021
By Ed C C C
•Aug 11, 2020
By Indria A
•May 4, 2021
By Dini P U
•Nov 26, 2023
By Afnenda R H
•Oct 10, 2023
By Egi R T
•Jul 15, 2022
By Syamsul T P A
•Apr 28, 2022
By Ahmad H N
•Apr 22, 2021
By Roberto
•May 22, 2021
By Hooi H L
•Sep 19, 2020
The audio volume of the videos in this course is extremely low (compared to 5 courses I took by Andrew Ng) and make it very hard to listen. I have to max out my speaker to listen to them.
Also, the version requirement tensorflow for the Week 3 assignment needs to be emphasis to avoid wasting everyone's valuable time. Also, many on the forum were suggesting tensorflowjs = 1.2.9 (which incompatible with tensorflow 2.0.0) is the key to complete the assignment misleaded me and wasted many hours.
By Matej M
•Feb 15, 2021
The course is easy to follow up and is very easy to pass the graded exercises as you only need to copy-paste code from examples. However to understand what you are doing you have to have already knowledge of tensorflow as such. This course is great if you want to make browse-based ML applications and need few (basic) examples.
However, the discussion forum is lacking qualified tutors very much. There are tons of questions without answer. This is something deeplearning.ai should focus on.
By Michael M
•Dec 29, 2019
The course is exciting and very practical. Regardless of the last assignment in course 4 which is not very clear on what is required and whether the samples you are providing are correct, as some of us have low resolution webcams and are dark from Africa. As compared to the Tensorflow in practice, the deep learning team is building momentum. Overall, good work guys. Excited to go to the next course.
By Aladdin M
•Apr 16, 2020
the course was really good and gave me a good start to tensorflow js but there were some points didn't be cleared much like what is the drawbacks of transfer learning as 2 models not only one and what is actually done when we load a model from online json file.
•Sep 11, 2020
I learned a lot about the bower based machine learning models and Transfer Learning using JavaScript in Tensorflow js. Also learnt using the python model and architecture in java script for save training time and improving the efficiency of the models.
By Guille P T
•Feb 9, 2020
It's a super interesting course but at it end it feels that it's too easy. I think it could be more challenging either on the depth of the konwledges taught or in the complexity of the exercices.
But as a quick introduction is nice.