Nov 10, 2020
Very well explained, especially for a topic that is usually very complicated to understand. The instructor did a great job of making things clear and concise. Excellent review course.
Dec 9, 2020
The lectures were quite interesting. Demos and neurological examinations were helpful to understand the concepts and applications. The coursework was properly planned and executed.
By María G S M
•May 11, 2023
By Dr. T D
•Jul 25, 2020
By Rosy B
•Jul 4, 2021
By Ahima K
•May 2, 2020
I enjoyed the manner in which Prof Sullivan explained complex concepts without repetition, but by paraphrasing the concepts. The parts of the cortex and brain are cemented in my understanding, and I can't forget them even if I wanted to. I would have liked if she could bring a rubber model of the spinal cord (like there was one for the brain-stem) because it became increasingly difficult for me to visualize the spinal cord in 3D. Prof Sullivan gives mnemonic hints to help remember names and also urges us to look others up online. Even while being able to use just her hands, she manages to show us what cranial nerve moves which part of the face, for example. The course moves from a beginner level into a fairly comprehensive model built upon previous modules. Like Prof. Sullivan reiterates, revision is the key to understanding and finally committing these concepts to long term memory.
By Yvann Z
•Jun 8, 2022
Je suis très satisafait d'avoir profité de ce rappel neuro-anatomique. les vidéos étaient claires et intelligibles. Dr Kelli abortait simplement les notions les plus ardues, rendant leur abord accessible. Je lui addresse ma reconnaissance pour cette application rigoureuse de la pedagogie d'enseignement.
La présence des schemas et des structures grandeur nature (cadavre) permettre d'identifier les differentes structures et d'apprecier l'etendue des differences fondamentales generatrices de biais, qui existent entre un shéma et un organe in vivo.
Les points de satisfaction sont légions et l'un des plus importants est le fait que j'ai vu mon niveau d'anglais (speaking, hearing, vocabulairy) fortement rehaussé au terme de ce cours.
Je puis vous assurer que c'est une expérience que je réiterai sur la plateforme en profitant des autres cours.
By Genreith F P
•Jan 24, 2021
Dieser Kurs geht nicht so tief in die Neuroanatomie ein, wie dies für ein allgemeines Medizinstudium erforderlich wäre. Als Beispiel sei genannt, dass nicht über die Hirnnervenkerne gesprochen wird. Zum Wiederholen bzw. um erstmal ein Grundverständnis zu erlangen, ist dieser Kurs aber optimal!
By Alihan H
•Feb 8, 2023
At the beginning, the exams were very educative with numerous questions and the videos were more comprehensive compared to the last weeks. Although I really liked the instructor's style of teaching, a more rigorous approach would have been much better.
By Basudeo R
•Aug 5, 2020
The lecture taught in a very interesting way, I like the way she teaches. Thank you.
the awesome course. I would like to attend again after some time.
•Nov 12, 2021
I love the course, but It would be a little more educative if the images where named in each video before only pointed out
By Kodagoda T N H
•Sep 9, 2020
This is a really good course to learn human neuroanatomy. And also instructors explained the relevant part so good.
By jesus l
•Aug 17, 2020
good review of human neuroanatomy ! It would be cool to have a neurosurgical approach next time too !
By Dinara Y
•Aug 4, 2020
It was indeed a very challenging course, but very insightful! Thank you, Dr. Sullivan!
By Prathigna T
•Jan 9, 2022
A very good beginner course! Kelli's teaching was amazing and easily understandable.
By 马嘉健
•Dec 29, 2019
it is really suitable and good for beginner but not deep enough for professional
By Ekta W
•Aug 11, 2020
Excellent. It was perfect and very much useful. thank you so much.
By Steve B
•Feb 11, 2022
Very in depth bit out of my depth on this one. Excellent content.
By Simonas M
•Dec 31, 2020
some mistakes in course
By Khalid A
•Feb 3, 2023
Great Course
By María F A
•Jan 28, 2021
great course
By Tsegazeab A
•Nov 17, 2022
it is great
By Saju B
•Mar 22, 2023
By Ana S
•Jun 19, 2020
Too many quizzes.
By dina g
•Nov 27, 2020
very difficult to understand the teacher... the slides are written in confusing way, that helps her but not the students. it is interesting but not very clear and I usually have to go over the video again and again.
By Daniel Y
•Jun 16, 2022