![[Featured image] Two pharmacists in lab coats talk to each other while looking at a computer monitor.](https://images.ctfassets.net/wp1lcwdav1p1/2fKl3Hi4j7Fg8mmLQdFJf6/e4bb49eb64a61d67c5d26dcd05f2ab1f/GettyImages-1267151244.jpg?w=330&h=216&q=60&fit=fill&f=faces&fm=jpg&fl=progressive)
What Does a Pharmacist Do? Job Duties, Salary, and More
A pharmacist is a health care professional who prepares and dispenses medications needed to treat illnesses and improve patient quality of life. Learn how to become a pharmacist, as well as what paths you can take once you’ve earned your pharmacy degree.
March 23, 2022